On Tuesday 17th March 2020, I received notification from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York that public worship is to be suspended until further notice.
However, their advice is that; Churches should be open where possible for private prayer. It is my intention that St Peter’s, Holy Trinity and St Nicholas Church will remain open during the day as is the current practice.
I am waiting for further advice regarding Weddings.
In the meantime, prayers will be said by me in one of the churches on the following days;
St Peter’s 09.00 Monday
St Nicholas 17.00 Tuesday
Holy Trinity 10.00 Wednesday
St Peter’s 17.00 Thursday
St Nicholas 09.00 Friday
Holy Trinity 09.00 Saturday
Sunday morning; St Peter’s 9.15, Holy Trinity 10.00 and St Nicholas 10.30. If there is anything specific you would like me to pray for please email me beneficerevb@outlook.com or phone me 0333 0118088
We are looking into ways of viewing or hearing daily prayer electronically, watch this space! In the meantime, the Church of England website has some useful resources. If you are able to access, I urge you to follow this link
The Pews News will be available as normal. A paper copy will be available from Friday afternoon for you to collect from your church. If you would like to receive it electronically, please can you contact Judy Jakes office@psdbenefice.org.uk or if you prefer, I am happy to put one through your letter box. Please let me know.